You were created for a greater purpose. Your greatest wish is to be used to accomplish something significant. You dream, you imagine, and you can actually see your purpose become realities because of the abilities that God has placed inside of you. You are made to be fulfilled, engaged and to cast out all fears, doubts and uncertainties so that you can stand out and rise up to be the person you were created to be.
We strive to see students of every age discover who they are in Jesus Christ. We know that this discovery will lead you to walk in the God-given power of the Holy Spirit and will allow you to radically change your culture.
Youth meets Wednesdays nights for a time of deep worship, dynamic messages, and powerful events. We believe that students, more than any other age group, need to connect with a real God who can relate to them in a real world.
Sign up now!
Weekly: Wednesdays at 6:30 PM
Main Auditorium - Shakopee Campus
Michael Palmer
(952) 255-8983